Amazing (Aven) Refocus Band

By LA Cle


ReFocus Band // Remember Aven

All Profits from the Aven Band will go to “Amazing Aven’s Quest for Amoeba Awareness”


On August, 13, 2021, 6 year-old Aven Moffat lost his life to Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM), a rare form of meningitis.


Imagine… a baby boy born so early that he spent 87 days in the Newborn Critical Care Center yet made it home as a happy and healthy little boy before his due date.


Imagine… a six-month-old baby that defied the odds and survived a 42-minute cardiac arrest, going on to make a full recovery, baffling his family, friends, and the medical community.


Imagine… the sweetest little boy that lit up every room with his smile, silly jokes, tight hugs, halo of white hair, imaginary friends, fishing stories, love of learning, and so much more.


When you look at your band, Imagine that you can accomplish anything with some imagination and a lot of love.